Newsletter Week 2 – Term 1


Prayer for the new school year


We thank you for the opportunity to begin this new school year,

and we ask that you bless the students, staff, and student families

that make our schools a great place. We pray that you will guide us in your ways,

and strengthen our school communities, so that we will seek your will

in everything that we do, and love others as you love us.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.


Message from the Principal


Welcome Back

Welcome back to another school year. A special welcome to the new families who have joined Good Shepherd School. I hope you were able to have some time off to spend with your children and that your children are looking forward to a great year of learning.

New Staff

This year we welcome the following new staff:

Kindy B Education Assistant: Miss Allanah Dedman

PPB Education Assistant: Mrs Bell Simeoni

Pre-Primary W Teacher: Mrs Lorena Princi (welcome back)

Year 1W Teacher: Miss Emily Paterniti

EA/Administration: Mrs Caroline Hiss

Year 2W Teachers: Mrs Tara Ryan (welcome back)

Year 3W Teacher: Mrs Elly Mitchell

Year 5W Teachers: Miss Davina Sankar

ICT: Mrs Iolanda Jennings (welcome back)

Parent information Night

The Parent Information evening was very well attended. This was a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet teachers and for teachers to give an overview of the school year and make expectations of students clear. I would like to thank parents who were able to attend for their ongoing support.


It is important that parents and teachers are able to communicate with each other. Parents are encouraged to notify your child’s teacher of any concerns you may have and to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time before or after school. The easiest way to make an appointment is by email or seesaw.

When messaging teachers there is no expectation for staff to reply during the school day. My expectation is that a response should be received within 24 hours of sending an initial enquiry. However, there are no expectation for a response to be given on weekends. As you can imagine our staff are busy during the day dealing with many students, so I ask that you allow them time to reply.

Mobile Phones(watches)

If students are bringing a mobile phone to school, they are asked to drop it off at the office each morning and pick it up at the end of the day. This includes watches with communication features.

Swimming Lessons

Year 1 – 6 students have been having a wonderful time engaging in swimming lessons. The students are very fortunate that they have the opportunity to have these lessons especially as we are a coastal city with many beaches a numerous pools.

 Bushfire Risk Area

Good Shepherd Catholic School is in a bushfire risk area. As part of our commitment to safety, the school has a clearly defined bushfire plan. This includes lockdown and evacuation procedures. The school also follows a maintenance plan where guttering and downpipes are cleared regularly.


We have started the term with a sense of normality and would like to encourage parents to begin to return to classes. Parents are welcome to enter classes, but we ask that large numbers do not stand around in classes. The junior primary Reading Roster has started, parents are asked to assist if they have time.

School Values

Our school values define how we go about our daily lives at Good Shepherd. We try to help our students achieve each one. We have reduced the number values to four. Below is an outline of each value.

Term 1 RESPECT - We value ourselves, our faith, others, their property and the environment.

Term 2 COMMUNITY - We encourage strong partnerships with families to help foster children development.

Term 3 DIVERSITY - We celebrate diversity by accepting the uniqueness of individuals through their multicultural heritage, varying abilities and many gifts.

Term 4 EXCELLENCE - We actively strive for excellence by providing opportunities for children to develop positive work ethics in order to achieve their personal best.

Pick Up/ Set Down Area

You may have noticed that the Pick Up/Set Down area has been extended. Can I please ask that when dropping off or picking up your child that you are moving as far froward as you can right up to the staff parking entrance.


As explained in my correspondence regarding parking around the school, the City Of Swan will be patrolling the area. Please note that if you are parking along Sugar Gum Rise you can not park on the footpath or any part of your tyre be on the verge. Your car must be safely parked on the road ensuring that there is enough room for cars to drive past. A reminder that anywhere you park you can not be on or any part of your car over a footpath. Please also read any parking signs.

God Bless

Nic Gaglia


Dates to Remember


2023 Term Dates:


Term 1 

Wednesday 1st February: Students return to school

Year 6 Camp

Monday 13th February to Wednesday 15th February 

Faction Swim Carnival @ Bayswater Waves

Friday 17th February

Ash Wednesday Mass @ 11.15am

Wednesday 22nd February 

Pupil Free Day

Friday 3rd March

Public Holiday - Labour Day

Monday 6th March:

Parent Interviews

Monday 3rd April   - Early close 12.30 pm

Last day for students

Thursday 6th April

Public Holiday - Good Friday

Friday 7th April:


Please click HERE to view the School Calendar located on our Website.

Message from the Year 6 Senior Leaders



This term has been filled with lots of fun and surprises. Starting with the elections of senior leaders. It was a shocking surprise, and we thank the teachers for believing that we can be good senior leaders for Term 1.

The first day back at school we all started swimming lessons at Bayswater Waves which has been organised by Mr B. It was good fun getting to learn about water safety and learning new swimming strokes.

In week three the year six students are going to camp. We are all very excited to go and spend time with our teachers and friends and to learn more about each other.

Hailey and Darryl


Music Captains Michael and Kyra


Library News





Reading Recovery


Earobics will re-commence in week 3 on Tuesday 14th February 2023 at 8.15am in the computer lab.

Helen Lornie and Siobhan Darge

Faction Captain & Vice Captain Term 1, 2023





Captain: Taneka

Vice Captain: Lewis


Captain: Madison

Vice Captain: Sebastian


Captain: Aliyah

Vice: Chance


Captain: Cruz

Vice: Grace

P&F Page


The P&F would like to welcome back all the Children and Teachers to Term 1. We can not wait to share the fabulous events we will host this year…Look below for the details for the first Fundraising event of the year the Annual Sundowner.



We would like to express a huge THANK YOU to the School Community as the Christmas Concert as from the Candle Sales and purchasing from the Food Trucks allowed us to donate $777.25 to WheelChairs for Kids.  Amazing Effort!!!






The Annual P&F Friend raising Sundowner will be on held Friday 24th February (Week 4). This event will see some fun games and activities as well as a light dinner and a drink provided to all. We ask for catering purposes if you can please register your attendance through the TryBooking Link .

We are also looking for Volunteers for the evening so if you are able to please assist please use the following Signup Link

Further details are available through the links above but please feel free to bring along a picnic, picnic rug, chairs and nonalcoholic drinks to enjoy if you wish further nourishment.

Please note this is an Alcohol Free Event.




Holly Vecchio (President)
0424 529 329

Sara Andacic (Vice President)
0407 699 746


Facebook: Click the icon to join the P&F Facebook group



Tuesday 14th March 2023

Hall Meeting room at 6.00pm



The following have celebrated a birthday recently/ will celebrate a birthday by the end of 2022.  We wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Niya KW

Darshika 6W

Jasper KW

Aela PPW

Juliano 3B

Ethan 5W

Madison 6W

Nicholas 2B

Christian 2B

Liam 2W

James PPW

Kamsy 3B

Savannah 4W

Alan 4W

Sofia 6B

Godwin KW

Geronimo KW

Alicia 3B

Amillia 6B

Percy 2W

Emmett PPW

Chiara 2B

Kalyn 5W

Juana PPB

Ceasar 3B

Mariah 5W

Remy 3W

Jai 3W

Ivy KW

Evelyn 2B

Daksh 2B

Olivia 4B

Taneka 6B

Aleisha 3B

Summer 4W

Vance 3W


Thomas 4W

Moses 1B

Elise 3W

Japeshwar 3B

Titus KB

Aldrin 1B

Julianna 3W


Aliyah 6B

Elisha KB

Abram 6B


Jake 4W

Hannah 2B

Michael 6B

Saanvi 6W

Madison 5W

Reuben PPW

Logan 1W

Jackson KW

David 3B

Alyssa 3B

Emmett PPB

Luna 3B

Ava KW

Emily PPW

Mr B

Mrs Musbah

Father Al

Mrs Princi

Mrs Ammendolea

Mrs Barns

Mrs Guerrero

Mr Bentley

Ms Cutler

Mrs Vidovich

Mrs Simeoni


Enrolments - Kindergarten 2024


Children born between  1st July 2019 and 30th June 2020 are eligible for Kindergarten 2024.  Kindergarten enrolments are now being accepted at the School Office.

Application forms can be obtained via the school website HERE or by phoning the School Office on 6278 9500.

Applications close Tuesday 28th February 2023



Just a reminder that on Ash Wednesday ( 22.02.2023)  NO MEAT products will be available at the Canteen.

A Special Menu will be sent via email on Monday 20th Feb.

Quickcliq has been updated with the Special Menu for parents using this service.



Quick Cliq is our online canteen ordering system that enables caregivers to order and pay for their child's recess or lunch orders online.

Click on the Quick Cliq logo above to sign in to your account.

Click HERE to sign up for your new user account.

A couple of things to note:

  • The cut-off time for ordering for the same day is 8:30 am, any orders received after this time online will be processed for the next canteen day
  • You can order in advance (up to four weeks)
  • The canteen will remain open in the morning for those who would like to order at the canteen counter before school
  • The canteen will still be open for extra purchases for recess and lunch items (for example ice creams)


pw 4
pw 3
pw 2
parent workshop
parent workshop 1

Scan the QR code or click HERE see all workshops

Camp Australia

Facebook & Instragram

Good Shepherd Lockridge has its own Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like our page and follow us as we begin to use this social forum to update you on information and current events happening within our wonderful school.

Click on the icons to view our Instagram/ Facebook pages.