Newsletter Week 2 – Term 1, 2024


Principal Message

Welcome Back

Welcome back to another exciting school year at Good Shepherd! A warm welcome extends to all the new families who have joined our community. I trust you had a refreshing break and were able to spend valuable moments with your children. I hope your children have eagerly started the year and are looking forward to a year full of learning.

New Staff

This year we welcome the following new staff:

Assistant Principal            Renae Butler(welcome back)

Kindy W  Teacher:            Kym Zagar

Year 1B Teacher:              Samantha Cherubino(Friday)

Year 3B Teacher:              Mrs Kirsten Oliver  

Year 6W Teachers:           Mr Neil Hamilton-Brown 

Education Assistant:        Emily Hansen

Special Needs Assistant: Shannon Nash (welcome back)

                                                Elanna Gillespie

Allergy Aware

Due to the number of students with severe, life-threatening allergies (anaphylaxis) to nuts/peanuts, we ask that parents not send any food containing nuts, peanuts or tree nuts to school, to reduce the risk of accidental exposure. ​Please also talk to your children about not sharing their food and be mindful about not touching other children's food.​ It is a good habit to encourage everyone to properly wash their hands with soap after eating to remove any allergens.

Parent Information Night

The Parent Information evening saw a fantastic turnout, with many parents in attendance. It provided a valuable platform for parents to meet teachers and for teachers to outline the upcoming school year and clarify student expectations. I extend my sincere gratitude to the parents who participated for their continued support.


It is important that parents and teachers are able to communicate with each other. Parents are encouraged to notify their child’s teacher of any concerns they may have and to make an appointment at a mutually convenient time before or after school. The easiest way to make an appointment is by email or seesaw.

When messaging teachers there is no expectation for staff to reply during the school day. I expect that a response should be received within 24 hours of sending an initial enquiry. However, there are no expectations for a response to be given on weekends. As you can imagine our staff are busy during the day dealing with many students, so I ask that you allow them time to reply.

Run Club

Students are only to wear the sports uniform on their sports day with Mr B or class sport day. They are not to wear sports uniforms for the run club unless they have sport that day. They can wear sport shoes to school and change back into their school shoes after run club.

Bushfire Risk Area

Good Shepherd Catholic School is in a bushfire risk area. As part of our commitment to safety, the school has a clearly defined bushfire plan. This includes lockdown and evacuation procedures. The school also follows a maintenance plan where guttering and downpipes are cleared regularly.

Carpark Crosswalk

Can I please ask parents parking in the Church car park to use the crosswalk to enter the school. Many parents and children are cutting across the driveway. Using this crosswalk is not only safe but teaches children the safe way to cross a road.

Pick Up/ Set Down Area

When dropping off or picking up your child, please move as far forward as you can right up to the staff parking entrance.



God Bless


Nic Gaglia


Seniors Leader Message

Hi students, parents and guardians,

Welcome back to Good Shepherd for 2024. We would like to welcome all the new staff and students joining us at Good Shepherd for the very first time. In the first two weeks, we have been doing some fun activities that include getting to know all staff and students in our class by doing ‘all about me’ activities. We are also very grateful that the school added a new Aboriginal feature in the nature playground called a Yarning Circle. We loved exploring it for the very first time at recess and lunch. We would like to congratulate all the new year 6 leaders including the senior leaders, faction captains and vice captains and music captains.

Written by Marissa and Heidi


Premier’s Reading Challenge Prize

On the last day of term last year, we were awarded our 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge Prize with WA author/ illustrator Sean E Avery who presented our students with an amazing session that included Storytime from his book “Frank’s Red Hat”.

Sean illustrated a character from his “Friendly Bee” series as well as being treated to an illustration session where students were able to draw with Sean. The students loved drawing Frank the Penguin.

Sean has kindly donated a wonderful signed and illustrated Frank’s Red Hat poster as well as a Friendly Bee signed illustration for our library.

Please come in and view the wonderful prize in our library.

What an inspiring, engaging, and entertaining session and a great message of not giving up and always giving it a go.

Thank you to everyone for all your support in the Premier’s Reading Challenge and congratulations.

Please note Certificates for the 2023 challenge will be issued during this week.

Well Done everyone and keep up the reading. Enjoy the beautiful photos.

Registrations for the Premier’s Reading Challenge 2024 will be open in Term 2.

Dates to Remember


Term 1

14th February - Ash Wednesday

16th February - Swimming Carnival

24th & 25th February - Commitment Masses for all Sacraments

4th March - Labour Day Public Holiday

13th, 14th & 15th March - Year 6 Camp

25th March - Early Close Parents Interviews

28th March - End of Term

29th March - Good Friday


Term 2

15th April - Term 2 Commences

25th April - Anzac day Public Holiday

31st May - Pupil free Day

3rd June - WA Day Public Holiday

4th June - Pupil Free Day

28th June - End of Term


Term 3

16th July - Term 3 Commences

26th August - Pupil Free Day

20th September - End of Term


Term 4

8th October - Term 4 Commences

4th November - Pupil Free Day

6th December - End of Term


Please click HERE to view the School Calendar located on our Website.

Faction Points

P & F

Welcome Back!

The PnF hopes everyone had a great summer holidays.

We have some exciting events planned this year, so keep an eye out for updates.

We’d love to grow our PnF community this year. If anyone would like to join the committee, come to the meetings or just volunteer, we’d love to have you!

Contact Claire Burrow 0426127946 with any queries.


Click on this link Here or the QR Code to RSVP

Sundowner 2024

We are looking forward to seeing you all at our annual sundowner on February 23rd from 5pm on the oval. 

Please don’t forget to RSVP by Friday 16th. 


Holly Vecchio (President)
0424 529 329

Melissa Bonatto(Vice President)


Facebook: Click the icon to join the P&F Facebook group


The following have celebrated a birthday recently. We wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Niya PPB

Jasper PPB

Aela 1W

Juliano 4B

Ethan 6B

Nicholas 3B

Liam 3W

Christian 3W

Adam 1B

James 1B

Kamsy 4B

Alan 5B

Godwin PPB

Geronimo PPW

Alicia 4W

Percy 3B

Emmett 1B

Chiara 3w

Kalyn 6B

Juana 1B

Caesar 4B

Mariah 6W

Remy 4B

Jai 4W

Errol KB


Ezra 3B

Evelyn 3B

Daksh 3W

Olivia 5W

Marinelle 5B

Harper KB

Aleisha 4W

Summer 5W

Alfonso 1B




Vance 4B

Thomas 5b

Moses 2B

Elise 4W

Shivansh KB

Titus PPB

Racheal 5B

Aldrin 2B

Julianna 4W

Ava 1B

Sean 6W

Amy 1W

Jake 5B

Jayson PPW

Harvey 3B

Hannah 3b

Madison 6B

Reuben 1B

Logan 2W

Jackson PPW

David 4W

Alyssa 4B

Sam KB

Zoey KW

Emmett 1W

Luna 4B

Mr B

Mrs Musbah

Father Al

Mrs Ammendolea

Mrs Barns

Mrs Guerrero

Mr Bentley

Ms Cutler

Mrs Vidovich

Mrs Simeoni







The school canteen is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Students from Kindy – Year 6 are able to order from the canteen( Kindy and Pre Primary Can order lunch only). Please click on this link to view the CANTEEN MENU

The canteen runs with the help of volunteers.  For information on assisting in the canteen please click HERE


Term 1 2024


Quick Cliq is our online canteen ordering system that enables caregivers to order and pay for their child's recess or lunch orders online.

Click on the Quick Cliq logo above to sign in to your account.

Click HERE to sign up for your new user account.

A couple of things to note:

  • The cut-off time for ordering for the same day is 8:30 am, any orders received after this time online will be processed for the next canteen day
  • You can order in advance (up to four weeks)
  • The canteen will remain open in the morning for those who would like to order at the canteen counter before school
  • The canteen will still be open for extra purchases for recess and lunch items (for example ice creams)

2025 Kindy Enrolment



La Salle College - Middle Swan

Catholic School Parents WA

Welcome to the latest edition of our CSPWA eNewsletter!

Visit the link below to the newsletter:

Centre For Faith Enrichment

Facebook & Instragram

Good Shepherd Lockridge has its own Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like our page and follow us as we begin to use this social forum to update you on information and current events happening within our wonderful school.

Click on the icons to view our Instagram/ Facebook pages.