Newsletter Week 2 – Term 3, 2024


Principal Message

Welcome Back

Welcome back! It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces as we kicked off Term Three. I hope you all had a fantastic holiday and enjoyed some quality time together, relaxing and making the most of the break.

NAIDOC Week Celebrations

During our holiday, official NAIDOC Week celebrations took place across the country. Upon the students' return to school, we dedicated last week to recognising this important event. NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Our activities focused on learning and understanding the significant impact and contributions of our First Nations people to our country.

Interschool Cross country

This week a selection of students attended the Interschool Cross country event. I was delighted to see the remarkable sportspersonship displayed by all the students as they tackled the long track. Their determination and effort were truly inspiring. A special thank you to Mr. B for his outstanding preparation and hard work on the day. I would also like to thank Mr Bently, who assisted with the setup and packing in the pouring rain.

Catholic Performing Arts Festival

Good Shepherd will be entering our Choirs, bands and a great number of individual performers into the Catholic Performing Arts in 2024. The Catholic Performing Arts Festival runs from the 19 July to 30 August.

We wish the absolute best of luck to all students

Keeping Safe

At Good Shepherd, the safety of our students is our highest priority. To support their wellbeing and care, we implement the Protective Behaviours Curriculum, which is also taught in all CEWA (Catholic Education Western Australia) schools. All our class teachers are trained in this program and deliver regular lessons throughout the year. The Protective Behaviours program is essential, as it equips students with the skills to identify safe and trusted adults. It also helps them understand what appropriate and inappropriate actions may look, feel, and sound like. The content is age-appropriate and progressive, building on concepts from one lesson to the next.

More information can be found on our website:

Nic Gaglia


Senior Leader Message

Hello families and welcome to Term 3.

We are your new senior leaders for the term. We would like to congratulate all the new faction and music captains for Semester Two. On the first Wednesday of the term the whole school participated in the NAIDOC week assembly and sang 'Wandjoo' by George Walley and 'Makuru' by Paul Lawrence. The instrument band also played 'Innany' which originates from Torres Strait Islanders. Well done to the students who represented the school at the Interschool's cross country yesterday. You were amazing. Ten of our Year Six students are currently training for the NFL Flag football competition and many musicians throughout the school are preparing for the Performing Arts.
From Isabelle and Romeo

Many Gifts One Spirit Award

Congratulations to our most recent Many Gifts, One Spirit Award recipients in acknowledgement of showing the school value of Community during Term 2, 2024:


Alex is very deserving of this award as he is always so kind to his peers and teachers.  Alex always makes sure that his friends are okay and if someone ever needs help, he is there.  Alex always puts other's needs before himself, and that deserves this award.  We are so proud of you Alex.  


Aria, you consistently show so many wonderful and admirable traits in our classroom and school community, which make you a worthy recipient of this award. You are a responsible student, who strives to improve herself by working diligently, and can be relied upon to respond sensibly in any situation. When working in small groups, you demonstrate great collaborative skills by listening attentively to the contributions of others and offering words of encouragement. Aria, you display a grace-filled attitude towards your peers and teachers and impeccable manners. It is great to see how you are willing to put the needs of others, before your own and are prepared to lend a hand and look out for those in need, without seeking recognition. Aria, you ensure our classroom environment is always tidy and presentable without prompting. You are an absolute pleasure to have in our classroom and an exceptional team member and role model for Good Shepherd.  Congratulations on receiving the "Many Gifts, One Spirit - Community Award." 

School Student Broadband Initiative


The Australian Government has launched the School Student Broadband Initiative to provide

free home internet for one year for up to 30,000 unconnected Australian families with school-

aged students.

The program is available to all students who lack an active nbn connection at home. Families

can register until Dec 2024.

To be eligible, families must:

✓ Have a child living at home that is enrolled in an Australian school.

✓ Not have an active National Broadband Network (nbn®) Internet service at home. Having a

mobile internet service does not affect eligibility.

✓ Live in a home that can access the National Broadband Network via a standard connection

– this will be checked for you.


To Register:

• Visit HERE 

• Call 1800 954 610 (10am – 6pm AEDT Monday to Friday)

Premier Reading Challenge


Congratulations to all our students !!!!

I am so proud to announce our school has won the early prize of the DEWEY Experience in the Premier’s Reading Challenge. DEWEY is visiting our school and the students are so excited !!!!!!!

If you haven’t registered, please register for “The Premier’s Reading Challenge”. We have over 430 students registered who have received the beautiful shiny DEWEY sticker and bookmark.

Please register to receive these wonderful promotional gifts and be in the draw for weekly prizes and receive a beautiful certificate of recognition of reading and logging in your books at the end of this challenge.

Students in Kindy to Year 6 are all welcome to participate and register and there are prizes drawn each week until the challenge ends in September.

If you signed a form allowing me to register, I have registered for you and logged in books. You don’t need to register as it is all arranged.

If you haven’t signed a form and you would like me to register for you, please let your class teacher, myself or the front office know and I can arrange to register and log in your books and issue the DEWEY Stickers and Bookmarks once registered.

You will find more information here and you can register your child/children and log in their books HERE .

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is a 4-month journey starting 6th May and ending 6 September. Students need to have read 12 or more books and will receive a very special certificate when the challenge ends in September.

There is the major prize at the end of this challenge with the most registrations in a school.

The Challenge started in 2022 and we are very proud to have won the major prize best school award in 2022 and 2023.

Books to log in include library books, take home readers, reading a book to your child, public library books, books at home, comics, short stories, magazines, lyrics and much more. Books read by me at Storytime also count. When students log in their books, they are in the draw for a weekly prize including books, kindles, vouchers and much more. What a wonderful literacy engagement program to encourage students to read and build positive relationships to reading. The students love participating in this challenge with so much enthusiasm and community spirit.

Please register using this link and go to “support” for sign in details HERE .

When registering please use your child’s name (Student Name) and using the link Good Shepherd Catholic School Lockridge.

Thank you so much for all your support in reading and the Premier’s Reading Challenge.

Please see me if you need assistance in registering.

Helen Tomazin

Library Technician

Book Week



   Good Shepherd will celebrate “Book Week Dress Up Day”


Please let our beautiful students know about this wonderful event celebrating reading and dressing up in their favourite book character.

The students and staff are always excited on this day when we all dress up fostering our love of reading.

 It’s all about fun and celebrating reading and books.

If you need some inspiration, please click HERE .There are some websites with some simple handmade book week costume ideas or come and see Mrs Tomazin in the library.

Looking forward to this day when we are all dressed up in our favourite book character.

It’s always a fun day and full of community spirit as we all dress up to celebrate our love of reading and books.

 Thank you so much

Helen Tomazin

    Library Technician

Education Minister's Running Challenge

About the challenge

Get up, get moving – let’s get running!

Lace up for the chance to win weekly prizes in the 2024 Education Minister’s Running Challenge.

The challenge was established in 2023 to:

  • encourage students to run regularly
  • develop a love for physical exercise
  • improve health and fitness levels.

Whether you’re a student or education staff member, the Education Minister wants you to get up, get moving, and get running from Monday 15 July to Friday 13 September.

The mission is for primary school students to run, walk or wheel for 20 minutes per week, while secondary students and education staff complete 30 minutes per week.

Any running, walking, or wheeling counts toward the challenge.

It’s a great excuse to get together, have fun with friends, and get active at the same time.

Each runner who logs their activity throughout the challenge, goes into the draw to win a weekly prize and up to 4,000 students receive free entry into the Perth Running Festival Burswood Park 4km Dash on Sunday 6 October, at Optus Stadium.

All runners who participate in the challenge will receive a special certificate signed by the Education Minister.

Click HERE to sign up or scan the QR Code

Dates to Remember


Term 3

5th August to 8th August - P&F Book Fair

8th August - St Mary of Cross

15th August - Assumption Day

21st August - Book Week Dress up Day

26th August - Pupil Free Day

11th September - Music Night

11th September - Jumps & Throws Carnival

12th September - R U OK Day?

13th September - Athletics Carnival

20th September - End of Term


Term 4

7th October - Pupil Free Day

8th October - Term 4 Commences

18th October - P&F Obstacle-a-thon @ 1.30pm

4th November - Pupil Free Day

5th November - Yr6 Confirmation Workshop 4.30pm & 6pm

11th November - Remembrance Day

15th November - Year 5 CPSSA Summer Carnival

21st November - Year 6 Confirmation retreat

27th November - Year 6 Dinner dance

29th November - Christmas Concert

30th November - Year 6 Confirmation @ 2.00pm

2nd December - Year 6 Graduation Mass @ 1.30pm

6th December - End of Term


Please click HERE to view the School Calendar located on our Website.

Merit Awards

Congratulations to our most recent Merit Certificate Winners:

PPB Arianna & Dylan

PPW Georgia & Paul

1B Quincey & Rocco

1W Danesh & Mariah

2B Edie, Luca & Sofia

2W Ella & Derrick

3B George, Tara & Shanaya

3W Helina & Liam

4B Arjun, Caesar & Margarette

4W Elise & Frederick

5B Emily & Chris

5W Chloe, Lincoln & Shaurya

6B Isabelle & Austin

6W Mariah, Cillian & Monique

Earobics  Isaac

Star Class


A big congratulations to Good Shepherd's Star Class which has been awarded and well earned by 5B. Congratulations to all the students for all their efforts and well done to Mrs Barlow.

Faction Points

Term 3


P & F

Welcome Back!

This Term we have lots of fun activities planned and will need volunteers. Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for Signup links.

P&F Committee

We are looking for parents to join us to help grow the P&F committee this term. Please join us, we always welcome new ideas for future events!

Please click HERE to RSVP


Holly Vecchio (President)
0424 529 329

Melissa Bonatto(Vice President)
0416 292 961


Facebook: Click the icon to join the P&F Facebook group


The following have celebrated a birthday recently. We wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Abigail  2W

Wilson 3W

Derrick 2W

Jayden 5W

LiLiana PPB

Ashton 6W

Vihann KB

Jennifer 3W

Vasudeva 2B

Jhett 4B

Amanda 6W

Dhanvi KW

Charlee 1W

Josh 5W

Sebasian PPW

William 3W

Isaac KB

Ethan 4W

Zayven 5B

Abbey 6B

Jordan KB


Arianna PPB

Shanaya 3B

Lachlan 2W

Meiken 2B

Ava 2B

Saisha 4B

Sadie PPW

Leo 1B

Valentina 4W

Max KW

Katelyn 5W

Miranda KB

Sonal 1B

Annabelle 5B

Kim 6W

Sienna 1W

Mr Gaglia

Mrs Brannen

Mrs Manifold

Mrs Naughtin

Mrs Andrews







The school canteen is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Students from Kindy – Year 6 are able to order from the canteen( Kindy and Pre Primary Can order lunch only). Please click on this link to view the CANTEEN MENU

The canteen runs with the help of volunteers.  For information on assisting in the canteen please click HERE


Term 3 2024

Quick Cliq is our online canteen ordering system that enables caregivers to order and pay for their child's recess or lunch orders online.

Click on the Quick Cliq logo above to sign in to your account.

Click HERE to sign up for your new user account.

A couple of things to note:

  • The cut-off time for ordering for the same day is 8:30 am, any orders received after this time online will be processed for the next canteen day
  • You can order in advance (up to four weeks)
  • The canteen will remain open in the morning for those who would like to order at the canteen counter before school
  • The canteen will still be open for extra purchases for recess and lunch items (for example ice creams)

Camp Australia


Department of Education - Vac Swim

Brockman House

Community Support Program Term 3 Program 2024

Bookings are required. Please visit HERE

  • Technology Support - Free one-to-one assistance and training available for computers, laptops, tablets, Ipads and mobile phones. Bookings required.
  • Free Parenting  workshops – Midvale Hub Parenting Service will be taking all registrations for Bringing Up Great Kids in the Early Years, Emotional Coaching Your Child, Anxiety and Your Child and Promoting Positive Behaviours.  Register HERE
  • Family Cooking – Wednesdays fortnightly 3.30-5pm
  • Gratitude Garden - Wednesdays fortnightly 3.30-5pm
  • KOOLBARDI WAABINY PLAYGROUP - Fridays 9 - 11am (During School Term) Free Playgroup for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families with young children aged 0-4 years to play.

Food Assistance  Thank you to all those community members and food rescue organisations who have contributed to our share pantry, we are seeking non-perishable food items for those in need. Bakery, fruit and vegetables are available on Mondays 11am, Wednesdays 1pm and Thursdays 11am. The produce available does fluctuate depending on how much we can obtain from Secondbite and Oz Harvest, please be mindful of this when you are taking items so we can ensure it's shared around.

Midvale Hub Parenting Service

Centre for Faith Enrichment


Facebook & Instragram

Good Shepherd Lockridge has its own Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like our page and follow us as we begin to use this social forum to update you on information and current events happening within our wonderful school.

Click on the icons to view our Instagram/ Facebook pages.