Newsletter Week 6 – Term 1 2023


Message from the Principal

Why is Sleep Important?

Children are all different but as they grow they need sleep. A guide for children aged 6 to 12 is between 9 to 11 hours. So, depending on their age and what time they wake up in the morning a good bedtime would be around 7pm - 8pm. Sleep is important for children’s growth, health and learning. Many studies have shown that the lack of sleep can be linked to mental health issues and children not doing well at school. For further information and tips please follow the link Sleep tips for children | healthdirect

The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC)

Last Friday staff were involved in professional development on the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) which is a world class, evidence-based child safety curriculum. It teaches children and young people to recognise abuse, tell a trusted adult, understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching and ways of keeping themselves safe.

The curriculum is based on two main themes:

We all have the right to be safe

We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust.

The themes are presented through four Focus Areas:

The right to be safe


Recognising and reporting abuse

Protective strategies

For more information please follow the link below:


What an amazing event our P&F put on. Both children and parents had a wonderful time sitting and chatting, eating pizza, playing bowling, table tennis and trying to hit the blow up targets. Thank you and well done to the P&F and all the parent volunteers who made those possible.

Drop off and Pick up

Thankyou to those who have been following the rules. There has been a slight improvement in the flow.

  • Please move as far forward as possible.
  • Please do not park in this area.
  • When dropping off please do it as quickly as possible. Children to have bags ready to go.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct aims to describe minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour and decision making to ensure the safety and well-being of students. The Code of Conduct applies to staff, students, volunteers, parents and guardians as applicable. The term ‘parents’ includes guardians. We are fortunate at Good Shepherd all members of our school advocate for healthy, supportive relationships where we collaborate for the benefit of our youngest members. 

To report a breach of the Code of Conduct please contact the school office, Assistant Principals or myself.

Code of Conduct

God Bless

Nic Gaglia


Dates to Remember


2023 Term Dates:


Term 1 

Parent Interviews

Monday 3rd April   - Early close 12.30 pm

Last day for students

Thursday 6th April

Public Holiday - Good Friday

Friday 7th April:


Please click HERE to view the School Calendar located on our Website.

Year 6 Senior Leaders

This week, we will be half way through the term. We have been very busy doing fun activities while learning new things. This week Interschool training will start on Friday afternoons hosted by Mr B. In week 4, we enjoyed a long weekend from Friday to Monday.

Hailey and Darryl

Kids Newspaper



Naplan 2023

The dates for NAPLAN are Wednesday 15th March – Monday 27th March and although tests will be scheduled for specific days in this time, catch up tests will be conducted during the whole period to give all students an opportunity to complete all tests.


Image result for naplan





School Photo Day

Order Form was sent home this week


Merit Awards



Congratulations to our most recent Merit Certificate winners:

PPB Leena & Nzube

PPW Emily & Harry

1B Alessio & Chandarliea

1W Alex & Ellie

2B Wilson & Chiara

2W Benjamin & Ezra

3B Britanny & Juliano

3W Danidza & Saisha

4B Liam & Chloe

4W Jayden & Emily 

5B Amber & Aimmerance 

5W Madison & Ethan

6B Taneka & Chance

6W Travis & Mackenzie



Star Class

A big congratulations to Good Shepherd’s Star Class which has been awarded and well earned by 5B. Congratulations to all the students for their efforts and well done to Mrs Barlow and Mrs Atkinson

Faction Points

Maali House       343

Francis House        213

 Noonan House      225

 Foley House           267

P&F Page


The P&F again will be arranging an Easter Raffle and will be asking families for donations.  We will also be arranging for the students to receive a Hot Cross Bun in Week 10. Keep your eyes peeled for more information.





Tuesday 14th March 2023

Hall Meeting room at 7.00pm




The P&F is still seeking a volunteer to take on the role of Secretary.  The role requires minimal time and would involve the drafting of agendas and minutes.  For further information or if you would like to volunteer please contact Holly Vecchio on 0424 529 329.





Holly Vecchio (President)
0424 529 329

Sara Andacic (Vice President)
0407 699 746


Facebook: Click the icon to join the P&F Facebook group


The following have celebrated a birthday recently/ will celebrate. We wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Bonnie KKB

Kayshaun 5B

Lincoln 5W

Himani 4b

Grace 5b

Jake  5W

Hunter KKB

Vihaan 4W

Luke 5B

Leena PPB

Wesley 4B

Rudraksh 6W

Alexander 4W

Ellie 1W

Taine 2W

Nicholas 3B

Ellanor PPW

Jasmine 4B

Stephanie 3W

Christopher 5W

Zoey PPW

Anastasia 1W

Mrs Huntingon

Mrs Michaelson

Ms Lornie

Miss Dedman




Quick Cliq is our online canteen ordering system that enables caregivers to order and pay for their child's recess or lunch orders online.

Click on the Quick Cliq logo above to sign in to your account.

Click HERE to sign up for your new user account.

A couple of things to note:

  • The cut-off time for ordering for the same day is 8:30 am, any orders received after this time online will be processed for the next canteen day
  • You can order in advance (up to four weeks)
  • The canteen will remain open in the morning for those who would like to order at the canteen counter before school
  • The canteen will still be open for extra purchases for recess and lunch items (for example ice creams)

Parent Workshops

Screenshot 2023-02-24 120201

Centre for Faith Enrichment

Chisholm Catholic College



Year 7, 2024 Scholarship Applications
Chisholm Catholic College is now accepting applications from current Year 6 students for Academic and Music Scholarships.
Please visit the Chisholm College website to register your child by Friday 10th March 2023.
Families will be contacted regarding the Academic Scholarship Testing that is scheduled to take place on Saturday the 25th March 2023.
For any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Anne Balmer, Enrolments Officer on 9208 2516.

Mercedes College Open Day

Anzac Terrace Netball Club

Facebook & Instragram

Good Shepherd Lockridge has its own Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like our page and follow us as we begin to use this social forum to update you on information and current events happening within our wonderful school.

Click on the icons to view our Instagram/ Facebook pages.