Newsletter Week 8 – Term 1 2023


Message from the Principal

Project Compassion

Spanning across the six weeks of Lent each year, Project Compassion brings thousands of Australian schools, parishes and supporters together to raise funds for people living in some of the most vulnerable communities across the world. Classes have boxes in which donations can be left. More information can be located at


Over the past few weeks our Year 3 and 5 students have been participating in the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). NAPLAN is only one aspect of our assessment and reporting process and does not replace the extensive, ongoing assessments made by teachers.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher Interviews will be held during week 10. There will be an early close on Monday 3rd April. This is a wonderful time for parents to discuss their child’s progress and to set goals for next term. If you are unable to make the 3rd of April, please contact your class teacher to organise an alternate time.

First Aid

This week students from Kindy to year 6 completed basic first aid training. Members from St John Ambulance Australia provided students with vital first aid knowledge. Students were informed about the importance of First Aid and what to do in an emergency, including calling 000 and basic first aid.

Spirt of Jesus award

After some discussion with students and staff we have decided to rename the “Person of the week award” to the “Many Gifts One Spirit Award”. At the end of each term a junior primary and a senior primary student will receive the award. This Term the focus will be on our first value “Respect”. This award will be given out assembly next Friday.


God Bless


Nic Gaglia


Dates to Remember


2023 Term Dates:

Term 1 

Parent Interviews

Monday 3rd April   - Early close 12.30 pm

Last day for students

Thursday 6th April

Public Holiday - Good Friday

Friday 7th April:


Please click HERE to view the School Calendar located on our Website.

Year 6 Senior Leaders

This term, the year sixes will be hosting a crazy sock day to raise money for women’s cancer, the students will have to bring a gold coin donation to enter. It will occur on the 5th of April in week 10. Easter will also be coming up in 3 weeks. The PnF have prepared an easter raffle for the students who want to participate, we thank them very much.

William and Hadi created a 3 on 3 basketball tournament these past few weeks. It was a great success. In the finals, Ruby Sharman’s team were the winners (You’re too small!). They played against Hadi’s Team (The GOATS). Thanks to Hadi and Will for such a great tournament!.

In Maths, the year sixes have been learning about adding and subtracting integers, square roots and to the power of 10. We have also been reading a class book called Jack’s Island. It is a very interesting book, and we are very excited to finish it.

Your Term 1 Leaders.

Early Close - Monday 3rd April

In Week 10, Monday 3rd April, we have included an EARLY CLOSE of school at 12:30pm.  This is to give all class teachers an opportunity to meet as many parents as possible during their Parent Teacher meetings. It is expected that ALL parents make an appointment with their class teacher/s either on that Monday or Wednesday after school during Week 10. Kindy W parents can come any time on Wednesday 5th April 9am – 3pm.  The Parent Teacher Meetings will be of 10 minutes duration and will give class teachers the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and any school based assessments and observations. It is essential that you attend and support the school’s efforts to communicate your child’s progress, development and transition to their new year level.  School finishes for all children at 12:30pm on Monday 3rd April and we ask that families are punctual in the collection of their child/ren at this time.  If you cannot collect your child at 12.30pm please make alternative arrangements for them to be collected or book them into Camp Australia.

Information of the online booking system will be sent via SeeSaw during week 7 so please look out for the link to be able to secure the time that best suits your family.



Thank you to the families that have made payment on their 2023 school fees.

If you have not completed a direct debit authorisation form:

Option 01 Full annual payment was due on 14 March 2023

Option 02 Two instalments - The first instalment was due 7 March 2023

IMPORTANT - Some families are yet to return their Payment Option Advice Form which was due FRIDAY 24 February 2023.

Please complete and return the Payment Option Form via email at or direct to the office.

Health Care Card Fee Discount Scheme – Parents who have a current Family Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card are eligible to apply for a discount on tuition fees. To apply for this scheme please download the HCC form from the website and present an up-to-date concession and form to the front office.

Parents who are experiencing financial hardship are asked to make an appointment to meet with the Principal. Any arrangements agreed to are strictly confidential and must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.

If you have any queries regarding your school fees or the payment schedule, please contact the Finance Officer Mrs Adelina Kusabs


Containers For Change


We are collecting containers!!

We will be educating our students to recycle their containers purchased at our canteen. You are also able to assist by bringing in containers or using the code below at containers for change recycling centres.


It's easy to save your 10¢ containers from landfill so they can live another life — just check for the 10¢ mark!

Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel, and liquid paperboard drink containers that are 150ml to 3L are accepted.

This includes:

• Most single-serve water and fizzy drink containers up to and including 3L.

• Most single-serve alcohol containers, like beer bottles and pre-mixed spirits.

• Flavoured milk containers that are 150ml to 999ml.

• Coconut water, pure fruit, or vegetable juice containers that are 150ml to 999ml.

Make sure you take off the lids — we recycle those too, just separately.



Faction Points

Maali House       376

Francis House        357

 Noonan House      246

 Foley House           269

P&F Page



The P&F is once again helping to celebrate Easter with a Hot X Bun day. Each student will be provided with a Hot X Bun on Tuesday 4 April and Wednesday 5 April for Kindy W and Year 1’s only. Please email if there are any dietary requirements or if you wish to OPT OUT of the Hot X Bun. In doing so, please ensure you advise of your students name and class by Wednesday 29 March 2023.



Raffle tickets have been sent home. You have to be in it to win it, send them back to class with your child’s name and class on each ticket, along with money.  Good Luck!




Holly Vecchio (President)
0424 529 329

Sara Andacic (Vice President)
0407 699 746


Facebook: Click the icon to join the P&F Facebook group


The following have celebrated a birthday recently/ will celebrate. We wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Ella 1B

Sofia 1W

Sohan 3W

Emily 4W

Raffael 2B

Kayden 2W

Athalia 6B


Anna KB

Jansen KW

Grace 5B

Benjamin 2W

Zane 1B

Chloe 4W

Jasmine 4B

Fr Paul




Quick Cliq is our online canteen ordering system that enables caregivers to order and pay for their child's recess or lunch orders online.

Click on the Quick Cliq logo above to sign in to your account.

Click HERE to sign up for your new user account.

A couple of things to note:

  • The cut-off time for ordering for the same day is 8:30 am, any orders received after this time online will be processed for the next canteen day
  • You can order in advance (up to four weeks)
  • The canteen will remain open in the morning for those who would like to order at the canteen counter before school
  • The canteen will still be open for extra purchases for recess and lunch items (for example ice creams)


OSHC Camp Australia

Facebook & Instragram

Good Shepherd Lockridge has its own Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like our page and follow us as we begin to use this social forum to update you on information and current events happening within our wonderful school.

Click on the icons to view our Instagram/ Facebook pages.