Newsletter Week 8 – Term 3, 2024


Principal Message


R U OK? Day is on Thursday, 12 September 2024, with the theme “Ask R U OK? Any Day.” This annual campaign emphasises the importance of meaningful conversations and encourages Australians to check in with others regularly, not just on R U OK? Day. On this day, staff and students can wear yellow in support of this cause. Students can wear full yellow or even something as simple as a yellow ribbon in their hair.

To learn more, visit HERE

Draw Near

The school and Parish have engaged with the West Australian Catholic Migrant & Refugee Office (WACMRO). We worked together on a short pastoral action, the Draw Near Project. The focus was on faith formation and social education on Church teaching regarding people seeking asylum to facilitate an outreach activity designed to assist asylum seekers in our local area. We were overwhelmed with donations from both parents and parishioners. Our Year 6 students, along with parents and parishioners, spent an afternoon packing the donations into bags.

Father’s Day

I'm pleased to share that our recent Father's Day celebration was a resounding success, with an outstanding turnout from our community. The day was marked by warmth, gratitude, and reflection as we honoured the fathers and father figures who hold such vital places in our lives. The atmosphere was wonderful as everyone came together to celebrate this special day.

We extend our sincere thanks to the P&F who made this event such a success.  Thank you to all who attended and contributed to making this event so memorable. Your presence and participation truly made the day special, and we look forward to more occasions that bring our community even closer together.

Nic Gaglia


Senior Leaders Message

Hello Families,
A big thank you to all of you for your generous donations towards the Asylum Seeker project. The Year Six students enjoyed creating and packing the hampers with parents, parish members and Deacon Greg. The Sports Carnival is taking place next week, and to prepare for this, the whole school went into their factions and practised their chants. We are looking forward to doing the running races and the fun team games. Today, the Year Two classes excitedly played the cardboard arcade games made by the Year Sixes.

From Romeo and Isabelle

Premiers Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge has ended for 2024 and the students should be so proud of their achievements in reading and logging in their books.

During this 4 month reading journey the registered students read over 12600 books in total, this is an incredible outcome and encourages our students to be lifelong readers.

It has been a wonderful reading initiative with over 94% of the school registered and as a consequence we won the special early awesome prize of the DEWEY experience which the students loved and really enjoyed.

Our school is very proud to have won the major prize in 2022 and 2023.

In Term 4 the Premier’s Reading Challenge will announce the 2024 major prize school winner and deliver the wonderful certificates for all the registered students.

Thank you for supporting the Premier’s Reading Challenge and it’s fantastic to hear that the students really enjoyed it.

Let’s do this again in 2025 and register all our students who are always excited when the challenge commences.

Thank you so much

Helen Tomazin

Library Technician

Raising Children in a Digital World Workshop

Click HERE to register your attendance.

Education Minister's Running Challenge

About the challenge

Get up, get moving – let’s get running!

Lace up for the chance to win weekly prizes in the 2024 Education Minister’s Running Challenge.

The challenge was established in 2023 to:

  • encourage students to run regularly
  • develop a love for physical exercise
  • improve health and fitness levels.

Whether you’re a student or education staff member, the Education Minister wants you to get up, get moving, and get running from Monday 15 July to Friday 13 September.

The mission is for primary school students to run, walk or wheel for 20 minutes per week, while secondary students and education staff complete 30 minutes per week.

Any running, walking, or wheeling counts toward the challenge.

It’s a great excuse to get together, have fun with friends, and get active at the same time.

Each runner who logs their activity throughout the challenge, goes into the draw to win a weekly prize and up to 4,000 students receive free entry into the Perth Running Festival Burswood Park 4km Dash on Sunday 6 October, at Optus Stadium.

All runners who participate in the challenge will receive a special certificate signed by the Education Minister.

Click HERE to sign up or scan the QR Code

Dates to Remember


Term 3

6th September - P&F Disco

11th September - Jumps & Throws Carnival

11th September - Music Night

12th September - R U OK Day?

13th September - Athletics Carnival

16th September - P&F Wear your Jersey Day

18th September - Raising Children in a Digital World Parent Seminar

20th September - End of Term


Term 4

7th October - Pupil Free Day

8th October - Term 4 Commences

18th October - P&F Obstacle-a-thon @ 9.30am

1st November - All Saints Day

4th November - Pupil Free Day

5th November - Yr6 Confirmation Workshop 4.30pm & 6pm

11th November - Remembrance Day

15th November - Year 5 CPSSA Summer Carnival

21st November - Year 6 Confirmation retreat

27th November - Year 6 Dinner dance

28th November - Volunteer and Exiting Families Afternoon Tea

29th November - Christmas Concert

30th November - Year 6 Confirmation @ 2.00pm

2nd December - Year 6 Graduation Mass @ 1.30pm

6th December - End of Term


For more information click HERE to access the School Calendar located on our Website.

Merit Awards

Congratulations to our most recent Merit Certificate Winners:

PPB   Janav & Nessa

PPW   Jayson & Nia

1B    James & David

1W   Jamie & Hannah

2B    Xavier, Natalie & Jeremy

2W   Narayani, Zane & Jax

3B    Pia, Sophie & Zara

3W   Dennis & Gialinh

4B    Vance & Mia

4W   Lucy, Emily & Tejj

5B    Chloe & Ifee

5W   Aryan, Liam & Myra

6B    Abbey, Aiden & Steven

6W   Amber, Ashton & Enrico

Faction Points

Term 3


P & F

Disco is on tonight! Don't worry if you haven't RSVP,

you are still welcome to attend.

(Pizzas may not be available if you haven't pre-purchased already).

Session 1 - Kindy - Year 2 - 5pm - 6:30pm

Session 2 - Year 3 -Year 6 - 6:45pm - 8.15pm.

Get those dancing shoes ready!!! Raffles and snacks

available to purchase, we have EFTPOS!

Join us on Friday 18th October 2024

GSL School oval from 9:30am

More information to come!

Prizes to win!

Sign up online soon to start raising some money!

Click to Donate Now: HERE

Click to Signup now: HERE

Sausage Sizzle!

Come join us on Sunday 13 October at Bunnings Bayswater!

If you are available to assist on the day, please signup HERE

Let’s Celebrate Finals Time – Monday 16 September

Wear your favourite sports jersey to school.  Students are asked to bring a gold coin donation to donate to ‘Fair Game’.

Did you know you can also donate any old sports equipment or boots to Fair Game. We will have a bin for collection out where you donate your goods.  These are taken to some of the most remote communities in Australia for people to use. Donate HERE now

Volunteers Needed

Please keep an eye out on our Facebook page for links to sign up for our future events.  We could not run these events without the help of all our families.

P&F Committee

We are looking for parents to join us to help grow the P&F committee this term. Please join us, we always welcome new ideas for future events!

Contact Us

Holly Vecchio (Chair)                                   
0424 529 329
Melissa Bonatto (Vice Chair)
0416 292 961

Facebook: Click the icon to join the P&F Facebook group!




The following have celebrated a birthday recently. We wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Saathvik  1B

Chelsea 5B

Jared  6W

Ophelia  2B

Qeshaun  3W

Luka  KB

Emme  6W

Ashrika  1W

Bridget  4B

Harper  2B

Amber  6W

Isaac  1B

Rain  5W

Ryker PPW

Abigail  1W

Austin  4B

Ivy  6W

Kate  6W

Mrs Bova



The school canteen is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Students from Kindy – Year 6 are able to order from the canteen( Kindy and Pre Primary Can order lunch only). Please click on this link to view the CANTEEN MENU

The canteen runs with the help of volunteers.  For information on assisting in the canteen please click HERE


Term 3 2024

Quick Cliq is our online canteen ordering system that enables caregivers to order and pay for their child's recess or lunch orders online.

Click on the Quick Cliq logo above to sign in to your account.

Click HERE to sign up for your new user account.

A couple of things to note:

  • The cut-off time for ordering for the same day is 8:30 am, any orders received after this time online will be processed for the next canteen day
  • You can order in advance (up to four weeks)
  • The canteen will remain open in the morning for those who would like to order at the canteen counter before school
  • The canteen will still be open for extra purchases for recess and lunch items (for example ice creams)

Autism in Cricket

Camp Australia

Chisholm Catholic College Arts Exhibition

La Salle Music Night


   Click HERE to purchase tickets

Swan Districts Football Club

Click HERE to register for PP-Yr2 (Auskick)                                                       Click HERE to register for Yr3-6 (Superkick)

Brockman Community House

Spots WA


Catholic School Parents Australia


Centre for Faith Enrichment


Facebook & Instragram

Good Shepherd Lockridge has its own Facebook and Instagram Page. Please like our page and follow us as we begin to use this social forum to update you on information and current events happening within our wonderful school.

Click on the icons to view our Instagram/ Facebook pages.